====== Ahsay Migration Notes ======
===== Migrate an Account to New Server =====
==== Suggested ====
- Shut down source OBS
- Move user folder to temporary location
- Restart source OBS
- Shut down destination OBS
- Copy user folder to appropriate user home folder on new OBS
* ''rsync -avzr --stats --delete --progress /opt/obs/user/backupuser root@newobs:/mnt/obs_homes_1/''
- Restart destination OBS
- Shut down client services
* ''/etc/rc.d/init.d/obmaua stop''
* ''/etc/rc.d/init.d/obmscheduler stop''
- Change Ahsay Backup Server in Windows Client
* Click on the user properties, remove the tick from 'remember password' then save and exit the client.
* Also make sure you exit the client from the systray.
* Now fire up the client and it'll ask for the password.
* On this panel you can also change the backup
* server URL by expanding the 'options' button.
- Delete client ''.obm'' folder (if you can't change the server in the GUI)
- Restart client services
- Log in as existing user connecting to new server
==== Windows ====
=== Restart ACB Services ===
net stop OBAScheduler
net stop OBAAutoUpdate
net stop OBACDPService
net start OBAScheduler
net start OBAAutoUpdate
net start OBACDPService
=== Restart OBM Services ===
net stop OBScheduler
net stop OBAutoUpdate
net stop OBCDPService
net start OBScheduler
net start OBAutoUpdate
net start OBCDPService