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virtualization:xenserver:xenserver_networking [2014/02/17 21:46]
virtualization:xenserver:xenserver_networking [2019/10/30 12:19] (current)
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 ====== XenServer Networking Notes ====== ====== XenServer Networking Notes ======
 +See also **[[virtualization:xenserver:xenserver_add_nic|Xenserver - Add or Replace a NIC]]**
 +See also **[[networking:mtu_test|Testing MTU, Jumbo Frames and Packet Fragmentation]]**
 +===== Management Network =====
 +  * No Jumbo Frames
 +  * No VLANs
 +===== Storage Networks =====
 +Jumbo Frames are enabled by setting MTU to 9000 on all Storage network interfaces:
 +  * ZFS Storage Server
 +  * Virtualization Hosts
 +Something like:
 +  - Shutdown all VM's
 +  - Remove the bond
 +  - Set the MTU to 9000 on the NIC's
 +  - Re-create the bond with MTU 9000
 +  - Start the VM's back up making sure the new bond is listed under the VM's networking
 +===== Helpful Commands =====
 +brctl show
 +arp -a
 +ifconfig xenbr0
 +==== ''xe'' CLI Examples ====
 +^XenServer “xe” Command                     ^Comment                                ^
 +|''xe network-list''                            |List the networks and attributes       |
 +|''xe pif-list''                                |List interface attributes (UUID values)|
 +|''xe vif-list''                                |                                       |
 +|''xe pif-forget uuid=''                        |Forgetting an interface means the Xen host no longer has control. Configure through Linux. |
 +|''xe pif introduce hostuuid= mac= device=''    |Introducing an interface means all configuration should go through Xen. |
 +|''xe pif-reconfigure-ip ip=xx.xx.xx.xx uuid='' |Change the IP attributes of management interface. |
 +|''xe pif-uuid=''                                                                     |
 +|''xe vif-uuid=''                               |There are several pif and vif commands for network setup. |
 +|''xe pif-param-set other-config:ethtool-duplex="full" uuid='' |Usually used to set adapter specific attributes. |
 +|''xe host-set-hostname-live host-name=<fqdn> host-uuid='' |Change the FQDN of the host. |
 +|''xe vm-list params=name-label,dom-id''        |Shows VMs and their dom-id to associate with VIF names |
 ===== VLANs ===== ===== VLANs =====
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   * XenServer will leave 802.1q VLAN tags alone if there are no VLAN networks configured **on top of** your base interface, be that a single physical interface or a logical interface such as a bond.   * XenServer will leave 802.1q VLAN tags alone if there are no VLAN networks configured **on top of** your base interface, be that a single physical interface or a logical interface such as a bond.
 +===== Bonding =====
 +Whenever possible, create NIC bonds as part of initial resource pool creation prior to joining additional hosts to the pool or creating VMs. Doing so allows the bond configuration to be automatically replicated to hosts as they are joined to the pool and reduces the number of steps required.
 +Adding a NIC bond to an existing pool requires **one** of the following:
 +  * Use the CLI to configure the bonds on the master and then each member of the pool.
 +  * Use the CLI to configure the bonds on the master and then restarting each member of the pool so that it inherits its settings from the pool master.
 +  * Use XenCenter to configure the bonds on the master. XenCenter automatically synchronizes the networking settings on the member servers with the master, so you do not need to reboot the member servers.
 +If you are not using XenCenter for NIC bonding, the quickest way to create pool-wide NIC bonds is to create the bond on the master, and then restart the other pool members. Alternatively, you can use the service xapi restart command. This causes the bond and VLAN settings on the master to be inherited by each host. The management interface of each host must, however, be manually reconfigured.
 +==== XenCenter ====
 +**Select Host -> NICs (tab) -> Create Bond**
 +==== CLI ====
 +xe network-list
 +xe network-create name-label="Pool-wide network associated with bond0"
 +xe pif-list
 +xe bond-create network-uuid=<UUID> pif-uuids=<PIF-UUID-1>,<PIF-UUID-2>
 +==== Storage ====
 +If you are using bonding for resiliency for your storage traffic, you may want to consider using LACP instead of the Linux bridge bonding. To use LACP bonding, you must configure the vSwitch as your networking stack. For more information, see Section 4.2, “vSwitch Networks”.
virtualization/xenserver/xenserver_networking.1392698795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/17 21:46 by gcooper