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virtualization:xenserver:xenserver_backup [2014/09/04 08:38]
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-====== XenServer Backup ====== 
-**Main Reference Article**: 
-:!: You can back up all the VM's, XenServer hosts, and metadata for a XenServer pool from a single XenServer host. 
-:!: Consider this a disaster recovery backup.  Use a file-by-file backup such as Ahsay for daily needs. 
-:!: Here we use an NFS mount for backup storage. 
-:!: XVA backups are compressed on the fly. 
-:!: This is a no-downtime script set; it backs up the VM "live" by taking a snapshot, and then exporting that snapshot to a mount point on Dom0. 
-===== The Basic Idea ===== 
-{{ :virtualization:xenserver:drive-backup-icon.png?200|}} 
-  - The local Dom0 on the XenServer runs cron 
-  - The '''' file runs and removes old data and emails regarding what happened previously 
-  - The '''' runs and outputs the info via e-mail to the backup admin 
-  - The '''' runs and backs up Dom0 and the XenServer database and structure 
-  - The '''' runs and backs up the VMs running on the host 
-    - enters the correct directory 
-    - sources the ''.lib'' and the ''.cfg'' files 
-    - determines what is to be backed up from the ''vm_backup.cfg'' file 
-    - calls for a backup (via live snapshot/export) 
-    - outputs to a log 
-===== Prepare the NFS Mount and Test a Manual Backup ===== 
-:!: Choose one of your XenServers to be the backup server, generally the pool master.  This script runs in Dom0 on a XenServer. 
-:!: Here we assume you have a shared NFS folder ''/backup/xenserver-backup/VA-Hosting-Pool'' on IP address '''' and a XenServer pool named ''VA-Hosting-Pool''. 
-Mount the NFS share: 
-mkdir /mnt/backup 
-vi /etc/fstab 
-# Mount the backup share 
- /mnt/backup nfs _netdev 0 0 
-Mount the share, check it's mounted and test a manual backup: 
-mount -a 
-xe vm-export vm="<your-vm-name>" filename=/mnt/backup/"<your-vm-name>".xva 
-===== Get Mail Working ===== 
-see also **[[networking:linux:ssmtp|SSMTP]]** 
-Modify ''ssmtp.conf'' as necessary: 
-vi /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf 
-===== Install the Scripts on the Backup Server ===== 
-mkdir -p /opt/backup && cd /opt/backup 
-wget -O 
-rm -rf __MACOSX/ 
-chmod +x *.sh 
-chmod +x dbtool 
-cp -a ./dbtool /sbin/dbtool 
-===== Configure the Scripts on the Backup Server ===== 
-:!: You might want to use IP addresses to control which network interfaces are used for the backups. 
-Change the names and filenames to the names you have for your XenServers according to the article: 
-cd /opt/backup 
-vi mailheader.txt 
-vi vm_backup.cfg 
-===== Testing ===== 
-Run the cleanup script and check for an e-mail message: 
-Run the audit script and check for an e-mail message: 
-Then run the metadata backup script.  This will take longer, so let it run. 
-Now, make sure you have ''vm_backup.cfg'' set to only back up a limited set of VMs and try: 
-===== Configure Scheduling ===== 
-This will add ''cron'' jobs to run backups every other day starting at 10:00pm: 
-cat << EOF >> /etc/cron.d/backup.cron 
-# Backup Scheduling 
-0 22 */2 * * root /opt/backup/ 
-10 22 */2 * * root /opt/backup/ 
-13 22 */2 * * root /opt/backup/ 
-59 22 */2 * * root /opt/backup/ 
virtualization/xenserver/xenserver_backup.1409841532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/04 08:38 by gcooper